EN GER - 15 days dieting masterplants to get healing (18 day retreat)
With Maestro Amer, Maestro Henarte and André
We speak English, german and spanish. First things first: You have to understand that dieting plants and to get healing with Ayahuasca is not a vacation. It can be tough to face the darkness that prevents us from having the happy life of our dreams. To face this darkness can be real adults work that […]
EN GER - 2x 15 days dieting masterplants to get healing (36 day retreat)
With Maestro Amer, Maestro Henarte and André
We speak English, german and spanish. First things first: You have to understand that dieting plants and to get healing with Ayahuasca is not a vacation. It can be tough to face the darkness that prevents us from having the happy life of our dreams. To face this darkness can be real adults work that […]
EN GER - One month of dieting masterplants, getting healing, doing ceremonies.
With Maestro Amer, Maestro Henarte and André
We speak English, german and spanish. This offer is adressed at people who want to stay longer then a month. I.E. 3 months. The pricing represents the monthly price. First things first: You have to understand that dieting plants and to get healing with Ayahuasca is not a vacation. It can be tough to face […]
EN GER - Try us out for 3 days
With Maestro Amer, Maestro Henarte and André
We speak English, german and spanish. This offer is adressed at you, if you want to take a little time upfront first to find out if our place and our Maestros are what you have in mind. I.E. this retreat gives you the opportunity to talk about what kind of thematic you want to get […]
DE - 15 Tage Diät mit Meisterpflanzen (18 Tage Dauer)
With Maestro Amer, Maestro Henarte and André
Wir sprechen Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch. Bitte kontaktirere uns, um Details zu besprechen. Ob klein, ob groß. Eine freundliche Familienumgebung wartet darauf, Dich kennen zu lernen. Einige Infos zu Beginn: Du solltest verstehen das Diäten und das Arbeiten mit Meisterpflanzen um Heilung zu erhalten nicht unbedingt Urlaub ist. Es kann anspruchsvoll sein, sich der Dunkelheit zu […]